Your dog shelter
• Dogs who live outdoors (outdoor), must be protected from hot and cold air.• The best place to stay for a dog is indoors (indoor).• Dogs need a comfortable bed.• If at a given moment should be tied, try to wear a long strap (2 m). Do not tie your dog for a long time.• If your dog should be caged, a minimum cage size of at least 3 times larger than the size of the dog so the dog can move freely. Never impound a dog for a long time.• Let the dog freely and associate with the family.• Always accompany the dog when playing on the front page. If nothing is keeping the dog must always be inserted into the inside of the house where it is not seen by others. Dogs are released in the front yard unattended prone poisoned and kidnapped.• Do not let the dog loose, let alone leave the house without your supervision. Dogs are at risk of being stolen, poisoned, hit, attack others, and disturbing the peace of the citizens, etc. The indiscriminate mating.
Food and Drink
• A dog needs a balanced diet that contains protein and fiber. The rest of the house is not enough food to feed the dog. Do not give dogs bones because it can cause choking and death.• Learn the forbidden foods for dogs, some well-known hazardous foods are: chocolate, onions and onion (onion, such as onions and onions with fiber layers) but the garlic is recommended as healthful. Detailed list of dangerous foods for dogs, see here• Fresh water should always be provided in a clean bowl.
• Dogs should not be tied continuously and should be encouraged to exercise.• Have your dog walk at least once a day or playing with a stick or a ball so that your dog stay active, alert and reduce boredom.• A dog that will bark constantly bored, and would disturb neighbors.
Hygiene• Dogs who live in dirty conditions can make a dog surrounded by worms, fleas and ticks. Keep the dog shelter.• Keep dogs under conditions of a healthy and clean.
Vaccination• The dog it can be easily attacked by the disease where it can harm the dog and its treatment is very expensive.• Vaccination helps to prevent disease and reduce the risk to infect other dogs. Vaccination is carried out once every year, ask your veterinarian for more information.• Prevention is better than cure.
• brushing dog hair every day can keep your dog clean and awake from tangling in the fur and we also get the chance to see unwanted hair matted.• Bathe the dog once a week or as needed, but not every day.• Clean the dog's ears with cotton and alcohol gently.• Keep your dog's dental hygiene. Teeth that are yellow and full of plaque can lead to missing the old days and other internal health problems. Provide dry food, rope toy and brush his teeth to take care of hygiene and dental health.• Daily Care will strengthen our ties with the dog owners.
• Every year millions of dogs put to sleep / die on the streets because they do not get home safe.• Female dogs can give birth to dozens of dogs each year. In 6 years, one pair of dogs and their offspring can produce ± 67 000 unwanted dogs.• By continuing to pregnancy and childbirth, female dogs can be attacked by the disease.• pregnant and lactating dogs require more food.• A puppy stops nursing approximately 3-4 weeks after birth and need additional food.• Female dogs will be very protective of her new pups are born and can become aggressive at any time during this period. A quiet place is needed for the mother.• To prevent the birth of unwanted puppies, please sterillisasi your dog. Castration / steriliasi only be done by a veterinarian.
Sterilization and Castration
• The progress of the tools used by veterinarians to make the operation safe and rapid healing.• Ask your veterinarian when you should sterilize your dog.• Your dog does not have to ever have children before sterilized and castrated.• After a female dog is in the sterilization, there will be no menstruation and male dog does not approach the female.• In female dogs, sterilization will reduce the risk of uterine cancer• In male dogs, castration will reduce aggressive behavior, habits reducing marking territory with urine.• Dogs are already in the sterilization and castration have an attitude that is more calm and not agitated in the breeding season, especially male dogs.
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