how to care for cats felius Catus

Posted by everyday is monday on Wednesday, January 11, 2012

how to care for cats felius Catus

Cats (Felius Catus) have fused in the human civilization for thousands of years ago. Cats never be Gods and feared by humans, having been associated with witches and demons (in the days of ancient Egypt).

This animal is unbelievably responsive, intelligent adaptable in various environments. Cats are very good companions and relatively easy to care and provide a lifetime of enjoyment.

Due to increasing popularity of cats as pets, then we as owners have a responsibility to maintain it. Tnaggung responsibility to treat them well, feed them properly and have a good place to live, and if you can also get care from doctors. they can live up to fifteen years.

Although the same shape, but they have different personalities. Some like manyendiri and others are more gregarious, but sometimes they can also be affected by the disease and requires treatment. For those of you that cat lovers, there are several tips you give for your pmailis
1. Cats are carnivores, which means it requires animal-source ingredients such as meat, fish or yams in their diet. No vegetables are best for cats, with no animal source of their food, they akankekurangan nutrients and can endanger their lives.
2. If you want to give the form of canned cat food, fine. But you have to choose and adapt to the age of the cat. If your cat is still small, give a little food for cats and vice versa. For cats that have a mind body, give low-calorie foods.
3. There are several types of cat food are available: dry, semi-moist and canned. Fresh water should always be available. Do not be too much to give cat milk, because it will cause diarrhea in cats.
4. Cats should be routinely evaluated by a veterinarian who is familiar with this species. Cats also have a variety of diseases similar to humans such as cancer, kidney, lung. Cats are also frequently exposed to parasites, therefore we must take care of a cat, do not let the cat out of the house too long. Get used to wearing a cat brushing teeth cat toothpaste, so teeth stay healthy.
5. Generally, it is advisable to sterilize cats. This is usually called Spay / sterile for females and castrated / neuter for males. Cat owners who were interested in this should consult a veterinarian at the first examination and vaccinations. There are some diseases that cats get vaccinated.
6. It is important for cat owners to understand that cats are very sensitive to certain medications and household products. Cats can not metabolize aspirin. Acetaminophen (in Tylenol) will kill cats and percenaannya in an emergency. It is best to not use any questionable products around a cat until you have checked with an authority. Also, cats will often eat plants, some can be toxic to cats. So it is better to give them sprouteed feed oats to snack on when they want to graze again.
7. Cats are often interested in things like rope, they would take a needle and thread, rubber bands and similar materials. Some are also interested in the power cable, therefore it is very important to keep these cats from the environment, or try to minimize it.
8. Cat owners must also provide the boundaries for their cats. If they are not allowed in a particular room or sharpening their nails in furniture or chairs, it must be nurtured dilatihi since the first time the cat was maintained. It is easier to prevent problems rather than changing the behavior that has become a habit.

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